Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Konstantinos Alexandris

+30 2310 991871, 991872


  • The Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences is a newly-founded Faculty consisting of two Schools: the School of Physical Education and Sport Science (SPESS) at Thessaloniki and the SPESS at Serres. 

    The inauguration of the Faculty constitutes the most prominent landmark in the field of physical education and sport science in the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh) after the National Academy of Physical Education was included in the Greek University system in 1982. The present institutional upgrade will further enhance the advancement of sport sciences, research, and teaching, as well as ensure a continuous, stable, and creative presence of the SPESSs in the academic community and society at large. 

    1982 marks the inauguration of SPESSs at the Universities of Athens and Thessaloniki. The National Academy of Physical Education in Athens and its Thessaloniki branch were included in these SPESSs, which began to operate during the academic year 1983-84. In 1985, a branch of the Thessaloniki SPESS was founded in Serres to become an independent School in April 2005.

    The mission of the SPESSs is to:

    • Cultivate and promote physical education and sport science through the academic and applied teaching and research.
    • Provide graduates with the necessary competences for their scientific and professional career.
    • Contribute to the advancement of sports in Greece and disseminate the athletic spirit.
    • Make citizens conscious of the importance of physical education as a fundamental factor for the improvement of the quality of life.

    Operation of the two SPESSs in the AUTh has contributed decisively to the upgrade of studies and the progress of sport sciences, research, and teaching. Since their inauguration, the two Schools have awarded 13,418 bachelor’s degrees, 396 master’s degrees, and 113 doctoral degrees. Presently 4,300 undergraduate, 283 master, and 114 doctoral students are enrolled.

    The Schools are housed in the new facilities of the AUTh in Thermi, Thessaloniki, and in Aghios Ioannis, Serres. The Faculty’s administration is on the 1st floor of the new (glass) building of the Thermi facilities.

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