Theodoros Sarougiannidis
Key responsibilities of the Department include:
- Drawing up proposals for Public Investment budgets (the proposal is part of the final budget proposal of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki).
- Assigning codes to new projects in accordance with the Collective Decision for Projects (CDP).
- Credit monitoring of National and Co-funded Projects (Operational Programme “Education and Lifelong Learning”, National Strategic Reference Framework) within the Public Investment Programme (P.I.P.), related to procurement and projects. Monitoring changes in the budget sums, available credits, dividing appropriations into sub-projects, checking the amount of money held in the relevant accounts.
- Processing financing requests with regards to projects of the Technical Service: receiving, drawing up a financing table, addressing requests to the Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning, Culture and Sports.
- Issuing payment orders for Public Investments and monitoring them (implementing preventive control, pursuant to the presidential decree no. 136/2011) as well as vouchers for the Commissioner Service.
- Issuing Bank of Greece cheques.
- Managing requirements for pledges and assignments by companies to third parties [banks, Social Insurance Institute (known in Greek by the acronym IKA), Engineers and Public Contractors’ Pension Fund (known in Greek by the acronym TSMEDE), tax offices, etc.].
- Monitoring the economics and managing payment orders of the Procurement Department of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, related to National and National Strategic Reference Framework projects implemented within the Public Investment Programme.
- Drawing up a report regarding the decision accepting an undertaking and uploading it through the “Cl@rity” Programme of the Greek Government (presidential decree no. 113/2010).