Aristotle University of Thessaloniki has been actively promoting student and staff mobility throughout Europe since the ERASMUS programme first steps, 25 years ago.
Today, A.U.Th. has approximately 600 active bilateral agreeements with european universities in the frame of LLP/ERASMUS.
A.U.Th.’s mobility activities are not limited in the European Union borders. Its active involvement in the Erasmus Mundus consortia has made possible the exchange with universities from the Balkans, Baltic Sea, Mediterranean and Asia. An increasing number of students, from a wide area of countries and academic fields, choose for their postgraduate studies the EM joint masters and doctorates supported by A.U.Th.
During the last 25 years, more than 11.000 A.U.Th. students have spent a period of their undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral studies at European universities supported by Erasmus programme. Moreover, after the official launching of Erasmus Placement Action, in 2007, 200 students have had the opportunity to work for a short period of time at European educational institutions and enterprises.
The Department of European Educational Programmes guides students through the labyrinth of necessary procedures enhancing, in the same time, A.U.Th.’s presence in European educational networks.
Since 1987, more than 7.500 foreign students have been attending courses at the majority of A.U.Th. faculties and schools, welcomed by the members of its colorful academic and social community. The School of Modern Greek Language has been offering a variety of courses helping foreign students find their way in the fascinating landscape of Greek language and culture.
In the frame of the ERASMUS Programme the staff mobility action offers financial support to encourage the exchange of academics between partner institutions for short periods of teaching. Until today, more than 3.500 staff members have used this opportunity, strengthening A.U.Th.’s relationship with universities from all over Europe.
The relatively new action supported by Erasmus framework, Staff Mobility for Training, enables teaching, research and administrative staff to spend some weeks of training in an enterprise, organization or higher education institution in another participating country. The satisfactory experience of the 75 A.U.Th. staff members that have already used this opportunity, ascertain us that the number of this kind of mobility will steadily increase in the future.