Christina Athanasiades
Sotiria Lykopoulou
Founded in 1993, the School of Psychology has a worldwide reputation for high-quality teaching and research. Initially being part of the School of Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology, the School of Psychology was granted autonomous status in the academic year 1993-94, pursuant to the Presidential Decree 152/93. Its curriculum was closely related to that of the School of Philosophy, which was founded in 1964-65 as one of the Schools of the Faculty of Philosophy and ceased to operate in 1971-72.
Professor Vasilis Tatakis, who taught Systematic Philosophy, ardently supported that psychology was a separate discipline, and that relevant courses and philosophy courses should be taught separately. Professor Tatakis committed himself to founding the School of Psychology. It was by his initiative that the “Regular Chair in General Psychology” was founded. Professor Lampros Housiadas became the first holder of the Chair in 1965. It was only a matter of time before the School of Psychology was granted autonomous status equal to that of the other Schools in the Faculty of Philosophy.
The School’s undergraduate programme has been restructured, resulting in greater specialization in the subjects taught. The School also provides students with theoretical and practical training directly related to their main field of study, aiming to prepare them for further study in disciplines related to psychology.
The School of Psychology consists of three departments which coordinate teaching and research, implementing programmes and activities that help faculty members fulfil their multiple roles.
The School of Psychology consists of the following departments:
- Experimental and Cognitive Psychology
- Developmental and Educational Psychology
- Social and Clinical Psychology
The School of Psychology offers BA Honours, MA and PhD degrees as part of its undergraduate and graduate studies programme.
Secretariat: Sotiria Lykopoulou
Τηλ. Επικοινωνίας: +30 2310996887
Email: info@psy.auth.gr