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Gender Equality Plan

The Gender Equality Plan (GEP) of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh)  has been approved by the University Senate on 15th of June 2022.

AUTh’s GEP development started in January 2021 and has being carried out in the context of the EU-funded H2020 project «RESET – Redesigning Equality and Scientific Excellence Together» (GA Number 101006560).

The GEP design and implementation follows the 4 mandatory process-related requirements i.e.:

a) be a public document;
b) have dedicated resources;
c) include arrangements for data collection and monitoring;
d) be supported by training and capacity-building.

GEP will be further supported by the development of a Gender Impact Assessment protocol tailored to mainstream the gender dimension in AUTh research activities and outcomes.

About RESET:

RESET aims at addressing the challenge of Gender Equality in Research Institutions. Through the design and implemention of a user-centered, impact-driven and inclusive vision of scientific excellence RESET will work towards changing the institutional cultural framework to anchor equality and diversity. The project involves seven large multidisciplinary universities from all over Europe. Τhe University of Bordeaux (France, Coordinator), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece), University of Łódź (Poland), and the University of Porto (Portugal) endeavour to accomplish institutional change through the co-design and implementation of fully-fledged and tailor-made Gender Equality Plans (GEPs) for the first time. Ruhr-University Bochum (Germany) and University of Oulu (Finland) will be their mentors in this journey as well as they will add complementary measures to their existing Gender Equality Plans. On top of that, SciencesPo (France) will evaluate the process and guide the partners towards the successful realization of this vision.

All along RESET, activities will take place to:

  • design, implement and mainstream Gender Equality Plans (GEPs) as a regular, intersectional and co-designed, institutional practice;
  • monitor and evaluate changes towards gender sensitive organisations;
  • support data-driven gender equality and diversity policy-making in designing qualitative assessment tools and processes;
  • train communities towards equality and settle new standards;
  • ensure a sustainable and cultural change by establishing a gender and diversity-friendly environment;
  • act upon governance and upgrade existing excellence policy towards greater inclusiveness;
  • mainstream the gender dimension in the design of research activities and products

AUTh will fully exploit RESET project to safeguard EU Horizon Europe Programme requirements by:

  • GEP – Publication: GEP will be published here as a formal document signed and approved by Aristotle University Senate and open for public reference.
  • Dedicated resources: include Gender Equality Board, RESET project human resources, and gender expertise span in all of its Schools to implement it.  
  • Data collection and monitoring: sex/gender disaggregated data on personnel and annual reporting based on indicators will be safely monitored on a continuous basis.
  • Training: Awareness raising/trainings on gender equality and unconscious gender biases for staff and decision-makers will be safeguarded with specific courses, seminars, and other events.
  • Content-wise, specific recommended areas will be covered and addressed via concrete measures and targets in line with RESET goals to support: 
    • work-life balance and organisational culture in all over the academia ecosystem levels;  
    • gender balance in leadership and decision-making by highlighting best practices and promoting role models of gender equality leadership; 
    • gender equality in recruitment and career progression; 
    • integration of the gender dimension into research and teaching content; 
    • measures against gender-based violence including sexual harassment.

RESET kicked-off in January 2021 and will be running for four (4) years.

For more information about AUTh GEP please contact reset-project@auth.gr

Links to the official project website and social media accounts:

Official project website: https://wereset.eu/

Social media accounts: