1. IAU – International Associations Network http://www.whed.net/article1.html
2. EUA – European Universities Association http://www.eua.be
3. Institute of International Education (IIE), https://www.iie.org/
4. EAIE – European Association for International Education http://www.eaie.org
5. ESMU – European Center for Strategic Management of Universities http://www.hit.ac.il/sites/en/iris/partners/european-partners/esmu
6. α) Balkan Universities Network (BUN)
To Πρωτόκολλο: https://www.auth.gr/sites/default/files/Protocol_Balkan.pdf
Καταστατικό https://www.auth.gr/sites/default/files/STATUTES_Balkan.pdf
β) Balkan Universities Association (BUA) 2015
Πρωτόκολλο 2015, http://international-relations.auth.gr/sites/default/files/Signed_Protocol_2015.pdf
7. EMUNI (Euro-Mediterranean University) http://www.emuni.si
8. European University Centre at Peking University http://www.pku-euc.org/
9. EUPRIO – European Universities Information & Relations Office http://www.euprio.eu/
10. Utrecht Network http://www.utrecht-network.org/
11. European Language Council http://www.fu-berlin.de/elc/en
12. EAN – European Access Network http://www.ean-edu.org
13. World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine http://wahvm.org/
14. TIME – Top Industrial Managers Europe
15. TII – Technology Innovation Information http://www.tii.org
16. ERA-MORE – European Network of Mobility Centers
17. QUALITY NET FOUNDATION http://www.qualitynet.gr
18. A.D.E.E. – Association for Dental Education in Europe www.adee.org
19. C.I.P.A. – International Committee on Monument Documantation http://cipa.icomos.org
20. E.E.G.E.C.S. – Network on European Education in Geodetic Engineering, Cartography and Surveying
http://tuningacademy.org/eegecs-geodetic-engineering-cartography-surveying-2004- 2005/?lang=en
21. CESAER – Conference of European Schools for advanced Engineering, Education and Research
22. SEFI – Societe Europeene pour la Formation des Ingenieurs (European Society for Engineering Education)
23. E.C.P.R. – ESU European Consortium for Political Research- European Summer University http://ecpr.eu/
24. RMEI – Reseau Mediterraneen Des Ecoles D’ Ingenieurs http://www.rmei.info/index.php/en/
25. ATHENS Network http://athensnetwork.eu/
26. European Language Council/ Conseil Europen pour les Langues (ELC/CEL) http://www.celelc.org
27. Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) http://www.auf.org
28. International Geothermal Center, http://www.geothermie-zentrum.de
29. TETHYS Euro-Mediterranean Universities Consortium, http://tethys.univ-amu.fr/fr
30. RURSE (Regional Unit for integrated risk and security Management for South East Europe)
31. CHERNE Network (Cooperation for Higher Education on Radiological & Nuclear Engineering)
32. Paul Ehrlich MedChem Euro-Phd Network www.pehrlichmedchem.eu
33. SEENET – MTP (Southeastern European Network in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics) www.seenet-mtp.info
34. University Consortium Africa and Mediterranean http://www.cuam.eu/
35. BSUN – Black Sea Universities Network http://www.bsun.org/
36. COST – European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research www.cost.eu/
α) MPNS COST Action, www.cost.eu/COST_Actions/mpns/MP1106
β) ESSEM COST Action, www.cost.eu/COST_Actions/essem/ES1205
γ) MPNS COST Action, www.cost.eu/COST_Actions/mpns/MP1305
37. EUNIS – European University Information Systems Organization, www.eunis.org/
38. EJTA – European Journalism Training Association, www.ejta.eu
40. Magna Charta Observatory, www.magna-charta.org
41. European University Foundation – Campus Europae, www.campuseuropae.org
42. ASECU – Association of Economic Universities of South and Eastern Europe and the Black Sea Region, www.asecu.gr/index.html
43. Student Chapter of the Society of Economic Geologists στο ΑΠΘ, www.segweb.org/SEG/_Students/Student_Chapters.aspx
44. EAEVE – European Association of the Establishments for Veterinary Education,
45. ICLARS, www.iclars.org/
46. Society for the Law of the Eastern Churches, Society for the Law of the Eastern Churches (slec-web.org)
47. Consociatio Internationalis Studio luris Canonici Promovento, www.consociatio.org/
48. EUFORGEN – European Forest Genetic Resources Network, http://www.euforgen.org/
49. IFLA – International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, www.ifla.org
50. LIBER – Association of European Research Libraries, Home – LIBER Europe
51. AESOP – Association of European Schools of Planning, http://www.aesop-youngacademics.net/
52. ALERT – Geomaterials (Alliance in Europe for Education Research and Technology), http://alertgeomaterials.eu/
53. AECEF – Association of European Civil Engineering Faculties, http://kps.fsv.cvut.cz/aecef/
54. Ελληνικό Εθνικό Δίκτυο SDSN-Greece, www.unsdsn.gr Γραμματεία: http://unsdsn.org/about-us/sdsn-association
55. Black Sea & Eastern Mediterranean Academic Network – BSEMAN https://www.auth.gr/news/press/25531
56. Scholars’ at Risk Network, https://www.scholarsatrisk.org/ Scholars’ at Risk Network (Greece Section) https://inspireurope.auth.gr/welcomeguide
57. World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), http://www2.unwto.org/
58. The Silk and The Road Universities Network, http://www.sun-silkroadia.org/
59. Giovani nel Mondo, https://www.giovaninelmondo.org/
60. CMU – Community of Mediterranean Universities http://www.cmungo.eu/
61. European School of sustainability Science and Research (ESSSR) https://esssr.eu/
62. Cercles: European Confederation of Language Centres in Higher Education, http://cercles.org
63. UNESCO UniTwin CS–DC https://www.cs-dc.org/
64. European Patent Office https://www.epo.org/
65. International Consortium for Area and Global Studies (SISU)
66. Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute, China (CIMWRM)
https://www.auth.gr/press/25600/, http://www.crsri.cn/EnglishNews/List
67. EO4GEO Alliance About EO4GEO – EO4GEO
68. BRAUIC http://brauic.bucea.edu.cn/english/
69. Regional Network Universities and Cities
70. EAIE https://www.eaie.org/
71. Silk Road International Alliance of Architecture and Technological Universities (XAUAT) https://sljzlm.xauat.edu.cn/
72. European Gravitational Observatory (EGO) https://www.ego-gw.it/
73. Rector’s Forum of Southeast Europe and Western Balkans https://rectorsforum.eu/
74. Global Coast Network https://www.coastpredict.org/globalcoast/
Ενώσεις φοιτητών
- A.I.E.S.E.C. – Association Internationale des Etudiants en Sciences Economiques et Commerciales
http://www.aiesec.org - IAESTE – The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience
http://www.iaeste.org - B.E.S.T. – Board of European Students of Technology http://www.best.eu.org
- HelMSIC – Ελληνική Επιτροπή Διεθνών Σχέσεων & Ανταλλαγών Φοιτητών Ιατρικής http://www.helmsic.gr
- AEGEE- European Students Forum http://www.aegee.org
- ACM, http://tosn.acm.org
- ELSA, http://elsa.org/about/elsa-network/
- ESN, www.auth.esngreece.gr
- IEEE, www.ieee.org/index.html
- ΟΔΑK, http://odak.web.auth.gr/
- LEGIS – Legal Aspects of Information Society, http://ftacademy.org/sites/ftacademy.org/files/materials/fta-m6-legal_aspects.pdf
- COMVOS, http://www.comvos-uni.gr
- GnM Association – International Careers Festival – http://www.internationalcareersfestival.org/static/1/about-us/giovani-nel-mondo
- IVSA, International Veterinary Students’ Association, http://www.ivsagreece.org
- SDSN Youth, http://unsdsn.org/get-involved/youth