“International Scientific Readings: The scientific heritage of Aristotle and its modern interpretation”

The Voronezh State Agrarian University, named after Emperor Peter the Great, organizes the event:

“International Scientific Readings: The scientific heritage of Aristotle and its modern interpretation”

on the 18th May 2016.

The UNESCO has proclaimed 2016 as “Aristotle Anniversary Year”, celebrating 2400 years since the birth of the great Macedonian philosopher and scientist. In connection with the event, the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki proposed VSAU to organize the event to honor the universal and interdisciplinary character of Aristotle’s work, and to highlight the significant influence he has had on several diverse scientific fields.

Main Areas of International Scientific Readings:

1. The relevance of the scientific works of Aristotle as an object of philosophical analysis.

2. A place and a role of Aristotelian philosophy in the development of Russian philosophy.

3. Philosophical and ethical heritage of Aristotle.

4. Aristotle, ancient humanities and their impact on Russian pedagogy.

5. Proceedings of Aristotle as a historical source.

6. Philosophical and ethical heritage of Aristotle and contemporary social movements.

7. Aristotle’s teaching in the politics and  law.

8. Perception of legal Aristotle ideas by Russian legal thought.

9. The terminology and vocabulary of Aristotle’s works and their importance for the Russian linguistics.

10. Physics as a science: from Aristotle to the present days.

11. Science in Russia, and their relationship with the scientific legacy of Aristotle.

12. Antique agronomy and its modern interpretation by the history of science.


(the event’s program will be announced soon)

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