Dear colleagues, students, members of Greek and international academic community,
We are glad to announce the organization of the International Conference entitled Intercultural Education on the Move: Facing Old and New Challenges 1-2/10/2022, online, International Association for Intercultural Education
(IAIE) in cooperation with the Hellenic Open University (HOU).
You are welcome to submit your presentation, to register, only online.
REGISTRATION!! FEES-Early Bird registration deadline 20th August 2022!
Online submissions only, abstracts (approx. 300-400 words single-spaced), 4-5 key-words, and indicative references from 10th April 2022 until 12th June 2022
Please visit the following link:
Πληροφορίες Συνεδρίου/Ημερίδας
01 Οκτωβρίου 2022, 8:00 πμ - 02 Οκτωβρίου 2022, 8:00 μμ