LocalSats Workshop and Infoday

Invitation to LocalSats Workshop and Infoday 22-23 April 2015,
Makedonia Palace Hotel, Thessaloniki Greece.
The project LOCALSATS is funded by the European Union. Specific information can be obtained through the project’s site: www.localsats.com
Its major aim is to promote the local development and sustainability of cities and territories in the Mediterranean Basin through the exchange of experiences in the context of geospatial applications. The consortium of the project is composed of twelve partners from nine countries and this composition provides for a broad, cross-border analysis, applicable to the whole Mediterranean Basin.
LOCALSATS project aspires to lead to the adoption of shared good practices in local governance aimed at local growth and environmental sustainability, by evaluating the situation in the Mediterranean basin and by analyzing the most common problems and challenges in the fields of environmental legislation and policy, and also geotechnologies.
After a successful one-year period, with two consortium meeting events and a series of dissemination activities, LOCALSATS organizes its workshop and infoday event.
The aims are to:
•      Disseminate Activities to general Public on the outcomes of the LOCALSATS project, through its network of each member
• Presentation of the Project, which combine exposition, discussion of work package results and the application of geospatial technologies in local/regional governance processes with representative examples
• Disseminate Activities to End-Users: Technical departments from the partnership will organize training courses and seminars for target groups as public organizations and involved stakeholders
• Academic and national center organizations will compile and understand the vision and aim of the project in order to apply correctly the project achievements and to ensure the sustainability of the project after its lifetime.
Considering the importance of the event to both the Mediterranean Basin countries as well as to European Institutions, we would like to cordially invite you to participate at our Workshop and Infoday.
No REGISTRATION FEES needed and CERTIFICATES OF ATTENDANCE will be given to participants of the Workshop and Infoday.
We hope that we can welcome you to our events in Thessaloniki Workshop and Infoday and we are looking forward to your valuable contribution.
For more information, please read the attached file and visit www.localsats.com .
Professor Petros Patias
LOCALSATS Local Organizer
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